Unrequited love...

Isn't it a b!tch?!? There have been guys that have in and out of my life but i just had to still have strong feelings for him. That one particular guy! 

The only guy out of them all that has no feelings for me and sees me only as a friend. 
The same guy who was my first ever crush and shattered my heart into a million tiny pieces. The first guy i ever cried tears for, felt pain yet at the same time defended him. WHY?! Do I still have feeling for him. 

Where is this blog coming from...you may wonder?? 
I had a dream a few nights ago about him. Let's call him "2511". "2511" had asked out my friend "Y" out on a date following that they started going on a series of dates.  I was insanely jealous and hurt. It was like heartbreak all over again, I was really annoyed cos in the dream "Y" didn't seem to be interested in "2511" at all.  In reality she has no feelings whatsoever for him anyway. 

Anyway he's now my "male twin" and I love him to bits as a friend. I value our friendship a lot and don't wanna put it in danger for silly fantasies. One day...

One day... my prince will come.