Rainy Days... 12:31

Today it's raining where I am...

A part of me loves rainy day and another part of me doesn't. 

I love rainy days
 because it reminds me of when i was really little and wore my wellies (boots) in the rain. I used to walk around with
 my mom or aunts in London and I'd jump in puddles and make them wet. HAHAHA good times. At school my friends and I used to have splishy-splashy fights and also drink the rain back before we had that very disturbing science lesson on how rain is formed. I also remember running around and getting my hair wet on purpose. In the car rides with my cousins we used to race raindrops and sing songs "Rain Rain go Away come again another day", "It's raining it's pouring, the old man is snoring..." Aw...innocence isn't it beautiful. Rain is Innocence

I don't love
rainy days because they perfect for sleeping but on a day like today I can't afford to spend the whole day sleeping because I have so much work to do for this kids theatre camp next week and i'm teaching. :/. I'd rather blog or continue writing all my not-nearly-finished stories. Sometimes I look out the window and I wonder what it's like to be kissed in the rain. I've read some many stories and watched many films or tv shows. I'm curious to know. I also wonder about dancing and singing in the rain.  It sounds and looks romantic. Rain is Romance